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Learn how to contour your nose step by step 

contouring nose is an amazing makeup trick that help you crate a perfect nose shape without any imperfection.There are number of nose contouring techniques used that are slightly different from each other depending on the type of nose you want weather you want your nose to look thinner, shorter, longer or straighter. Always wounder how to couture nose correctly? just follow the simple steps given below to find out!   

make your nose look thinner 

you can easily counter your nose to make it look thinner by following these simple steps:



step 1

There are number of product available in the market such as matte bronzer,  brow brush, and eye shadow brush. sculpting powder with the help of  which can easily couture your is advised to select color 1 or 2 shades darker than your normal skin



step 2

Draw two straight line on the both sides of your nose and with the help of an angled brush draw the contour line starting from your bow bone to your nose end...!


step 3

using a high lighter  1 or 2 shades lighter than your natural skin tone help to emphasize more on the bridge of nose so, draw a thin line starting top of your nose to the help in emphasize on the bridge of the nose so make sure its thinner. 


step 4

Apply a highlighter only to the halfway for a thicker or wide nose tip.there are some specific highlighter to contour your nose like white or nude shades.


step 5

in the last step you need to blend the lines with help of a blender brush in order to highlight and contour lines. Remember you should end up by fishing lines of both sides of nose in order to make to make them look distinct and subtle   

Makeup Tutorials

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