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silicon makeup sponge | what you need to know 

Silicon makeup sponge

the silicon makeup sponge has taken the beauty world by storm,but does it live up to its hype? here,s what you need to know about the "silisponge"......

Is The Silicon makeup Sponge The Best Thing?

when i first heard about the Silicon Makeup Sponge. i wanted to try it out as soon as i could.when i used it is the best sponge ever i used. if you have not tried out the makeup silicon sponge that,s taking the beauty world off its feet, i have the review just for you... 

What is silisponge ?


when first i received my package containing the silicon makeup sponge. i see that it,s clear gel like pouch that is smooth on both sides about an half an inch thick and about 2 inches by 3 inches around. i used it as soon as i opened the packaging and although my first was not as successful , i had to say i love how easy to clean this product is....


unlike the regular sponge where you have to soap and squeeze out what you can, you only need to rinse the silicon makeup sponge in soap and running water and dry it towel or tissue. its ready to reuse. 

silicon makeup sponge Application

so, the next step is to try using silicon makeup sponge on other people by employing the same tapping motion to transfer product on the face and so far it has worked perfectly as well. Al-thought,s its a bit tricky to get in smaller corner like the corners of nose and eyes or with using more viscous product like a cream based foundation or a thicker consistency concealer.

Silicon sponge

it,s definitely usable and it gives a really good velvety finish without any streaks. i have yet to try it on dry flaky skin but i imagine, since flaky skin need less absorption, but silicon makeup  sponge  might be a good product to use. i have to give it a try on troubled skin might be harder to press the product down on acne pore-skin.

Get Your Own Makeup Sponge Here
how about you?have you tried the silicon makeup sponge yet?let me know what you think about it in the comment section belo.

Makeup Tutorials

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